Event Host Info:
Thank you for your interest in being an Event Host!
If Hosting an overnight trip it is expected that the Event Host will stay in the SCSC sponsored/supplied accommodation.
We reserve the right to edit any posting to maintain accuracy of events, data, information, etc.
Setting up an Event once the Organizer has given you posting access: Go to Schedule.
Add info into the sections. It's helpful to include links ie. snow forecast and for the resort.
Check details of your posting at least twice before publishing - there always seems to be something to edit starting with the date. For help, contact Derrick B.
PS: Try Petro Canada highway 1 the balloon is tab the gas station so advise participants if you will be meeting at the south end of the road or closer to the N end of the parking lot. Add: have your flashers on too.
Carpool – ask who is willing to drive (must have winter tires), then just ask people to stand beside the person they would like to carpool with to organize themselves. Encourage people to share what level they are/ type of runs they like.
Carpool location ideas: Shouldice Park (south end) or the north end of the access road off Highway1/22, although you may decide to carpool from a different location or meet at the venue. No need to wait more than 5 minutes for late arrivers.
Cost fluctuates based on cost of fuel and type of car.
Set out info for your Daily Plan:
It's helpful to note place and time to meet at the start of the day. Here are two examples:
For Lake Louise - by the fireplace 0900, lunch 1215 on backside Temple, and end of day plans. You choose as you are the Host.
For Sunshine Village - meet at Goat's Eye to start the day, or the day lodge stairs at a certain time, lunch at a specified time at Goats Eye, and end of day at bottom of gondola Creekside pub at 4:00 pm.
It's good to note that anyone who RSVP's “Yes” is in agreement with the Waiver and Code of Conduct posted under Pages. It is not imperative to stay together – but help people find others to ski/board with those who are at a similar level.
Provide your cell # either in the posting or in advance by email to attendees by going into Manage Event.
Let Andrea know how your event went. Successes and failures. If you are unable to host the event, let one of us know and perhaps an idea can be generated to keep the event going. At the end of the event, you can send out "It was good to See You!" note.
Thank you for helping to carve moments into friendships!